Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Using residential history and groundwater modeling to examine drinking water exposure and breast cancer.

Here's a study out of Massachusetts - I bet a number of folks' reaction to this will be to start drinking bottled water....


This analysis found evidence of a positive association between breast cancer and exposure to drinking water impacted by wastewater effluent from the BWPCF. The associations were strongest among women who were not regular bottled water users and among women exposed for long durations when latency periods were taken into account. The current exposure analysis expands on our earlier work to explore the spatial and temporal relationship between a source of environmental contamination and a route of exposure for this study population. Our prior spatial analysis identified groundwater plumes as a potential environmental exposure that had not yet been fully studied. We investigated this hypothesis using a detailed groundwater model and determined that contamination of drinking water by effluent from the BWPCF was plausible. Area groundwater sources for drinking water are subject to more protections now, and the impact of sewage on groundwater was carefully considered in recent expansion plans for the facility. However, this analysis suggests the sewage plume emanating from the facility may have had a significant historical impact on drinking water.

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